5 sex myths we’re putting to bed

5 sex myths we’re putting to bed

You deserve to know the truth about sex. From movie scenes to aphrodisiacs, there are lots of things said about sex that aren't really true.

We are DR.VEGAN and we have partnered with Here We Flo to debunk common myths surrounding sex, our bodies and the bedroom. 

Coffee leads to better sex.

This is not true, in fact coffee is known to have a negative impact on a healthy sex drive. You may think an energy surge is a good thing but coffee can actually increase feelings of anxiety which lowers libido. Instead, nutritionists at DR.VEGAN recommend Ginkgo Biloba which increases blood flow, improving libido. You can take this ingredient as a tea or in the supplement Vegan Minds. This ingredient is also known to improve recall and retention, we like to think this will help your partner remember what you like for next time.

Men desire sex more than women.

This is simply not proven. Whilst we see sex crazed fraternities in films this does not mean all men are like this. There are many factors involved in libido and there are relatively few studies that have incorporated hormonal, social or psychological factors in studies of sexual desire to establish a difference between men and women’s libido.

No sex means the relationship is over.

It can be challenging but it is not a deal breaker. There are many factors at play and every individual and relationship is different. It’s important to respect issues such as difficulty getting or maintaining an erection, vaginal dryness or difficulty reaching orgasm. These all affect our sex life and the stress and anxiety surrounding sex.

As humans we want to feel loved, respected and trusted. If it is not working out for either you or your partner, and you want a sexual relationship, getting therapy may help improve libido in both individuals. Remember, communication is absolutely paramount to overcome any relationship setback, in our out of the bedroom.

Women don't want sex when the menopause hits.

In truth, menopause symptoms vary from person to person and many women do not experience decreased libido. It is explained that women who do feel a decreased libido in menopause is due to a drop in oestrogen and testosterone, which can lead to vaginal dryness which may cause pain during sex.

Other factors affecting libido include fatigue, mood swings, stress or psychological causes such as low self-esteem from weight gain during menopause. 

You can tell when someone has an STI.

You simply won’t unless they have been tested. We recommend speaking to your partner about an STI screen so you are both completely certain and feel comfortable before being physical together. Condoms are the best protection for you both against STIs and Here We Flo have a carbon neutral range.

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